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RSVP for the new, exclusive & inclusive, interactive Analyst Relations Think tank (ARTt), where like-minded AR professionals will get together, talk about AR in a friendly, open, vulnerable environment.  We are creating an exclusive online community, culminating in an in-person get together/wine tasting event in NYC towards the end of 2023.


Our plan is to have (3) 90 min Zoom Calls in 2023 where we get together to celebrate and support each other.


Our agenda: 

  • Vent – We all have something challenging where we want some compassion

  • Challenge – what’s something we want to bring to the group to get some group think on

  • Inspire – Let’s share a story of a win we had (or heard about) using AR, to inspire us all


In the background is the Lab Concept: 

  • What do the members want this ARThinkTank to look like?

  • What value does the ARTt bring to each member?

  • What infrastructure do we need to build to make this a reality?

  • What do the members feel comfortable contributing, time wise and financially to make this group a reality?


Once you RSVP – what’s next: 

  • You will get invited to our private Slack Channel on The Bendy Show

  • We will share a poll to pick a date for a call in Q1

RSVP Here: 

Thanks for registering. See you there!

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